Freediving improves the quality of life !!!discover why 😀 !
🧠MindHelps increase awareness of thought management in sports practice
😁AttitudeBoosts mental health & mood
🗣LungsIncreases lung capacity, stretches the rib cage, and trains the diaphragm, which is the main breathing muscle
💪NutritionIn freediving you can eat whatever you want. But you need to know how and when!
🖖Cartilage Reduces impact on joints
✊MusclesStrengthens the back, diaphragm muscle, arms, legs, and the entire muscular system
💙Heart A trained heart helps maintain a healthy lifestyle
🧜♀️WaistlineBurns many calories, so much so that it is considered a high;energy sport✌Frame : Improves bone health
🦵Flexibility - Maintains muscle flexibility
💯Longevity Freediving improves the quality of life, and practicing it over time helps live better and longer!

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